I was created by God and for God...I've surrendered and now I'm free! He has unlocked His creativity in me.

I was created by God and for God...I've surrendered and now I'm free! He has unlocked His creativity in me.

about ann...

Since I was a young girl I have  had a passion for art. A self taught artist, I am always ready to try new mediums, techniques and the most unique tools in my  paintings and assemblages.  My confidence in creating comes not from my own abilities and talent but it comes from an attitude that allows the painting or assemblage to become what it is supposed to be.  “There are no mistakes”, i often remind myself, "it's just paint."

My love for art and children landed me in the classroom setting early in the 1990's until 2002 as I  taught art to children ages 4-13.  After I stopped teaching I entered into ministry work.  I began selling my artwork in several boutiques and gift shops in Texas as a means of supporting my own ministry. 

While continuing to create paintings and some assemblage work I now sell my  art to provide financial support for several local, national and international missionaries. I  use a heart and hands-on approach to my  work, pray over each one and believe that each piece I create is divinely inspired for a specific someone. I begin each blank canvas with a prayer or Scripture written on the canvas.  That truth is my focus as I worship my Creator and paint and then stand in awe of what He does through me! I'm so humbled and honored that God allows me to create for Him.

I get most of my inspiration right here, with Him...I'm in love.All proceeds are used to support local and global missionaries to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through relational ministries. 

I get most of my inspiration right here, with Him...I'm in love.

All proceeds are used to support local and global missionaries to help spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ through relational ministries.